June 23, 2024

Silent Hill Townfall announced alongside Silent Hill 2 remake

Silent Hill Townfall announced alongside Silent Hill 2 remake


Not content with announcing the Silent Hill 2 remake we’ve all been waiting for, Konami has now also announced a new title in Silent Hill Townfall.

While there is no doubt that the Silent Hill 2 remake was big news to come out of Konami, the addition of a brand new game to the roster is always one worth paying attention to. In the case of Silent Hill Townfall, little is really known about what it will have to offer to gamers when it arrives at some unannounced point in the future.

When we say little is known, we aren’t kidding. The announcement teaser doesn’t include any in-game footage as such, but we do get to see a couple of flashes of what could be an indicator of what to expect. This being a Silent Hill title, everything feels suitably creepy.

The game itself is being made by Scottish outfit NoCode with Annapurna Interactive in charge of publishing. NoCode creative director Jon McKellan says that he’s a big fan of the series and has been since playing the original title on a PlayStation back in 1999. That sounds promising, with NoCode having previously developed Stories Untold and Observation.

As for when we can expect to learn more, that’s going to be a waiting game. We’ve been told to expect more in the new year, but that doesn’t give us a clear indication of when that will be. Fingers crossed it won’t be too long though – we’re all itching for more.