January 12, 2025

YouTubes Add To Queue feature being tested for Android

YouTubes Add To Queue feature being tested for Android


YouTube’s desktop offers an ‘Add to Queue’ feature, allowing users to select videos they’d like to watch after they are done with the current one. The chosen video is added to the list right under the mini-player. Now, this feature is being tested for iOS and Android. 

At the moment, you can only select two options when watching a video on iOS or Android – ‘Save to playlist’  and ‘Save to watch later’. However, these features tend to save the video on a permanent basis, and you must manually delete them from the list when you’re done. On the other hand, simply adding the video to the queue is a temporary setting, which then negates the need to remove it later. 

How to use the Add to Queue feature on Android?

Once the feature is live, all you need to do is tap the 3 dots next to the video and then select ‘Play Last in Queue’. This feature will not work on YouTube shorts, however. This feature will be tested by the company on iOS and Android until January 28th. Once that testing phase is over, it will be rolled out to the masses.