January 8, 2025

Google announces purchase request for GPay

Google announces purchase request for GPay


Google has announced that purchase requests on its UPI App ‘Google Pay’ would be added as a family payment option. 

If a family payment has not been set up then customers will get the request of their children which can then be looked up and important information about the ‘purchase request’ like information about the application or various other in-app purchases will be available to be viewed so that an informed decision can be made about whether or not the purchase should be made. 

What to do if someone pushes a request for a purchase?

Now there can be two situations that may arise over here. One wherein you decide to pay and the other where you are not ready to pay at that moment. In the situation where you decide to pay straight away, you can even use gift cards available readily on Google Pay to make the payment. In the other situation where you do not want to pay right at that moment, you get another option wherein they can be put in a queue of approved requests that can be looked at later. 

The order history will have a record of all Purchase Request Transactions and the Family Payment Method can be set up on Google Pay even now. 

Should you choose to set up the payment method with children under the age of 13, the requests made by them can be accepted or rejected. 

While announcing the change, Madhur Chadha who is the Project Manager at Google Commerce said, “Many families come to Google Play to find apps and games for everyone in the household to enjoy. Now we’re adding a new easier way for families to safely purchase both paid apps and in-app purchases.”

This is not the first time that Google Pay has announced an upgrade. In November this year, they announced the system of auto-payments too.