September 14, 2024

Revolutionising dental hygiene – the SOOCAS X3U sonic electric toothbrush

Revolutionising dental hygiene – the SOOCAS X3U sonic electric toothbrush


The electric toothbrush is a great invention that makes brushing your teeth easier and more convenient.

The concept has been around for quite some time but has improved over the years, and SOOCAS has contributed to innovation in the field significantly with its latest collection.

Founded in 2015, SOOCAS is devoted to producing various products for personal care in line with the latest industry standards. Throughout the company’s history, it has created products that have taken personal care a step further.

This is the case with the X3U sonic electric toothbrush. Let’s look at this premium product and review its crucial features.

X3U features

The X3U is designed for efficient cleaning and maximum versatility. It features three brush heads for a trio of different types of dental care: standard cleaning, soft brushing, and polishing.

The three specialised heads can satisfy all the user’s needs. The standard head is, of course, designed for regular cleaning, while the soft variant is for sensitive teeth and gums. And, as the name suggests, the polishing head is made to polish the teeth, whiten them, and give them extra shine.

All heads are made of special, non-metallic material that’s completely resistant to rust. This makes for a healthier and altogether safer brushing experience. If the X3U were a regular electric toothbrush, these features would already be enough to make it a good product. However, SOOCAS has gone beyond the basics with this model.

The toothbrush has integrated timers that ensure perfect cleaning. First, there’s an overall smart timer set to two minutes to ensure the brushing doesn’t continue for too long. Second, and possibly even more convenient, the X3U has a zone-detection timer that can remind users to move on from the current zone after 30 seconds.

The two timers all but guarantee the most optimal cleaning and make brushing as quick and efficient as possible every time. The intervals are set according to the best practices of dental care.

Looking “under the hood” will reveal that this electric toothbrush has a very special motor. It’s a sonic motor that functions on the principle of magnetic levitation and produces over 39,500 vibrations every minute. This rapid action ensures thorough cleaning.

With such high-powered brushing action, you might wonder how long the X3U can work uninterrupted. The answer is: pretty long. When charged completely, the toothbrush can last for up to a month without recharging. The best part about this is that, once you need to charge it, the process will only take about four hours.

But, even all this doesn’t exhaust the list of useful features. In addition to brushing your teeth, you can use the X3U to clean your face. The electric toothbrush comes with another special washing brush made for use on the skin. This brush is made of extremely gentle silicone bristles. The bristles are ideal for removing any impurities while soothing the facial muscles.

The skin-cleaning aspect may prove a perfect addition to daily showers. In fact, you can use the X3U in the shower itself, since the toothbrush is waterproof – evident from its IPX7 rating. This means that the body of the gadget is impervious to water. However, some care needs to be taken when using the X3U in wet conditions.

It isn’t recommended to use the toothbrush while it’s charging. This is true even if you’re far away from any water but especially applies in showers. While charging, the brush might not be as efficient as when used correctly. As a result, its lifespan could be shortened. Plus, the toothbrush could cause an electric shock if water splashes it while the charger is plugged in.

The X3U also comes with a handy travel case that can fit into any luggage. You can store two heads in the case, which means the toothbrush can come with you on journeys of varying lengths.

The benefits of using X3U

There are many advantages that lift X3U above the competition. For starters, the toothbrush is convenient for all users aged 12 and above. It will provide exceptional cleaning for anyone, as proven by numerous tests. The X3U has also been shown to combat plaque much better than even the best manual toothbrushes. It can outperform other electric toothbrushes in this regard.

Cleaning your teeth with the X3U is safe and pleasant. The heads are completely rounded. Plus, they have an extra 40 per cent of bristles compared to more conventional products.

The quality of the motor guarantees the toothbrush will function the same after numerous uses. This is a significant advantage since many toothbrushes tend to diminish in performance with time. However, the X3U is created for consistent performance and will provide just that over and over again.

Besides cleaning the teeth, the X3U can simulate the bass method, which is a strategy for eliminating plaque. All this is possible due to the care and attention that SOOCAS puts into this product.

If you’re searching for a great electric toothbrush, you need look no further, and if you want a high-tech flosser SOOCAS also has the W1 water flosser on offer. For brushing, though, the X3U will provide everything you need and serve you reliably for a long time.