September 21, 2024

Sony commits to electric car venture, reveals S-Vision 02 concept at CES 2022


Sony is taking this whole electric car venture very seriously indeed. Not only did the Japanese tech giant reveal its S-Vision 02 SUV concept at CES 2022 – following on from its S-Vision concept two years earlier – it also revealed it will be moving to commercialise in the sector under Sony Mobility Inc.

That’s right, Sony really is about to begin making electric cars – and at this rate it could be a whole lot sooner than you think, given the acceleration over just a short two year timeframe – in a bid to take on the likes of Tesla at its own game. The S-Vision 02, pictured from the show floor, has a visual familiarity about it, that’s for sure.

Sony Chairman, President and CEO, Kenichiro Yoshida, revealed the concept, alongside the original S-Vision vehicle, stating that “the excitement we received after … the Vision-S really encouraged us to further consider how we can bring creativity and technology to change the experience of [mobility],” Yoshida said.

“The S-Vision 02 has been developed on a foundation of safety, adaptability and entertainment. Safety has been our number one priority in creating a comfortable mobility experience – and that has not changed with building this SUV. [It has] a total of 40 sensors installed inside and outside of the vehicle to monitor safety.”

Let’s not confuse Sony Mobility with Sony Mobile, eh? Given how the latter is going, here’s hoping Sony commits in all the right places to make its automotive effort a true success in an ever-busying market space.