September 21, 2024

Microsoft launches new skilling courses for small and medium businesses


Microsoft India has announced a new skilling initiative that is aimed at helping small and medium businesses (SMBs). The new Microsoft program will provide digital skills to SMBs working in India.

The new initiative has been developed considering that SMBs contribute to around 30 percent of India’s GDP and provide employment to over 114 million people. According to Microsoft, these new digital tools will allow small businesses to respond to changes in the market, streamline their organizations, protect against threats and plan for long-term business resiliency.

Harish Vellat, Country Head – Small, Medium & Corporate Business, Microsoft India, said, “SMBs have been at the forefront of our country’s economic rebuilding following the pandemic and are facing immense pressure to keep up with the dramatic shift in how we work and live. It is critical that they are equipped with the skills that can help them develop long-term strategies for their business and reimagine new paths for their success. By providing these skill-building resources, we are fulfilling our commitment to creating an inclusive economy and helping SMBs transform and thrive.”

What kind of courses will Microsoft provide?

Under the new initiative, Microsoft aims to provide flexible skill-building approach via e-learning and online training assets from sources like Microsoft Learn and LinkedIn Learning. Through the resource hub, businesses can explore expertise, technical training, online workshops, and best practices, as well as earn Microsoft certifications on technical courses.

The courses will offer digital skills to use technology for customer relationship management (CRM), digital marketing, advertising and branding.

Businesses can learn how to use tools that work together to help them keep departments connected, lower overhead costs and maximize efficiency.

The employees can be educated about best practices that can help them protect customers’ and employees’ data. In avoiding breaches, these businesses can avoid the associated high costs and reputation loss.

Businesses will be able to analyze available data, understand trends and move more quickly using some of the new courses. The initiative will also provide foundational principles in finance, marketing, bootstrapping, selling.

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