September 21, 2024

Apple now commands an active install base of 1.2 billion devices


What you need to know

Apple now commands an active install base of 1.2 billion devices.
The company also announced a record revenue of $124 billion.

That’s a lot of devices.

Today, Apple announced its Q1 2022 earnings on a call with investors and the press.

During the call, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that the company’s active install base has set a new record of more than 1.8 billion devices. The news comes as Apple also recorded record revenues of $124 billion for the holiday quarter.

Today we are proud to announce Apple’s biggest quarter ever. Through the busy holiday season, we set an all time revenue record of nearly $124,000,000,000, up 11% from last year and better than we had expected at the beginning of the quarter, And we are pleased to see that our active install base of devices is now at a new record with more than 1.8 billion devices. We set all time records for both developed and emerging markets and saw revenue growth across all of our product categories except for iPad, which we said would be supply constrained. As expected, in the aggregate, we experienced supply constraints that were higher than the September quarter.

After announcing the new records, Cook took some time to also thank the team as well as frontline workers for everything they’ve done over the pandemic.

Before I discuss our results in greater detail, I want to first acknowledge the toll that COVID continues to have on communities around the world. In many places, case counts are higher and health systems more strained than at any point throughout the pandemic. On behalf of all of us at Apple, I want to extend our deep gratitude to the scientists, doctors, nurses and so many others on the front lines of combating COVID-19. This is our 8th quarter reporting results in the shadow of the pandemic, and while I can’t say it gets any easier, I can say I’m incredibly proud of the way our teams have come together and continue to innovate on behalf of our customers.

You can learn more about what was said on the company’s earnings call on our coverage of the call transcript.