Anonymous declares war against Charlie Hebdo attackers, takes down first jihadi website

As people from all across the world are uniting their voice condemning the Charlie Hebdo attack, hacking group Anonymous has also declared war against terror outfits after the January 7 incident that killed 12 people.
In their pilot move they hacked, what French newspapers claim, is a jihadi terrorist website. The website was down for several hours before it was back live. Anonymous took claim for the hacking and even tweeted about it.
#TangoDown : Expect us. #JeSuisCharlie #OpCharlieHebdo #CharlieHebdo
— OpCharlieHebdo (@OpCharlieHebdo) January 10, 2015
They even posted a video declaring war against these terrorists. The video began with Paris protests filled with JeSuis Charlie banners. Then a man, wearing their customary mask, with a ‘digitised’ voice gave out their message to the world. He said, “Citizens of the world. This is important. This is serious. On January 7, 2015 our freedom of speech was bruised. Disgusted and shocked, we can’t fall down. It is our responsibility to react. Anonymous has always fought for the freedom of speech and the freedom of press. We will never stop.”
“Attacking freedom of speech, is attacking Anonymous. We will not permit it. Any organisations or enterprises linked to those terrorists attacks should expect a massive reaction from Anonymous. We are tracking you down. We will find you and not leave you any rest,” the man in the video said, further ending it with, ” We are Anonymous, we are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget, expect us.” They have started a special Twitter handle @OpCharlieHebdo for this purpose. They even asked users to let them know of any Twitter terrorist handles, if they find them.
Do you want to help us ? Find terrorists twitter profiles, report them. #No2IS #JeSuisCharlie #OpCharlieHebdo #CharlieHebdo #StopDonkyLovers
— OpCharlieHebdo (@OpCharlieHebdo) January 9, 2015